There was a point last week when I thought my colleagues' excitement about the Five in Five challenge had landed me 5 dates and then some... but that is not the case.
Today I received an email from Date #5 explaining that his situation had changed and he is no longer able to help me out with this cause. I read that to mean that he has met someone... go you good thing!
Now I am back at the 'finding a date' stage...
As I waited in line for my lunch at Grill'd (BTW, how good is their Kung Fu Fighter burger!?!?!), I started brainstorming ways to pick up one of the lads, chowing down a burger at a nearby table.
It looked something like this...
"Can I borrow your tomato sauce?"
(Wait for tomato sauce)
"Can I borrow a chip to go with it?"
(Wait for chip and smile from cute eligible bachelor that appreciates how clever I am and is pleased to be interrupted by such a chip-loving cutie)
"Thanks. You can put it on my tab, my name's Kirsty" (killer smile)
(Hello Date #5)
That was it. It could be seen as a pick up if he wanted it to be, or just a weird flirty chick that had a chip craving. I rehearsed it in my head... perfect! Let's do it...
I placed my order and casually walked towards said group. I scanned their table and ... NO CHIPS OR TOMATO SAUCE! Epic Fail. I contemplated using my backup line... "Hi my name is Kirsty, would anyone here like to go on a date with me for charity?" But instead, I walked back to the office and let the girls know I was a date down.
As I devoured my burger (and chips with tomato sauce), my boss jumped on the phone to her Massage Therapist. The message she left sounded something like this...
"Hi, this is ______. You might remember last week I mentioned that my friend at work is participating in a charity event. Well, she could really use your help so please call Kirsty on ____."
BOOM. I'll let you know the outcome...
So here's where we are at:
Date #1 - DONE
Date #2 - planned for Thursday
Date #3 - DONE
Date #4 - planned for Friday
Date #5 - waiting on the call back. Would three dates in one week be excessive?
Sponsorship Update:
If you check out my Sponsorship Page you will see that I have raised $130 for charity. That's 65% of my goal!!! I would like to thank the DFR BRIS Psych team for their generous donation, which somehow didn't make it to my sponsorship page but is still much appreciated.
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