Saturday, 16 March 2013

It's Just a Date: a letter to my pre-Five in Five Charity Dating self

With 6 Five in Five Charity dates, and a handful of non-charity dates now under my belt, at the ripe age of 30... I think I'm finally starting to understand what the "dating game" is all about. 

I used to hate first dates for three reasons:

1. ...because I've been on bad ones in the past and anytime I thought of giving someone else a shot with a first date, those uncomfortable memories resurfaced and made me squirm.

2. ... because I (and all those external social factors) put too much pressure on the situation. Instead of going with the attitude of 'it's just a date' and seeing what happens, I arrived with a whole handbag of expectations (about myself, the situation, the date, and what happens next).

3 ... because I never knew what to wear.

In hindsight, the problem with my first dates was generally never the dates themselves but all of the bulls*#t I pilled on top of them. If only I had possessed this well-earned dating wisdom a decade ago.

If I could write a letter to my younger self, sharing what I now know about dating, it would read something like this...

Dear Kirsty,

You are beautiful, strong and amazing just the way you are. Nothing will change that. Not even the date that you are about to go on, which probably won't work out. In fact every date and relationship won't work out until you find one that does. This is not a bad thing. Date as much as possible to alleviate the pressure that comes from going on only one date a year. Every date is an opportunity to practice going on a date so that when you meet the right person, you won't blow it ... and there's a pretty good chance you'll meet some cool people along the way.

Let go of expectations. Not having expectations is the new black. This is not to be confused with not caring. You must care that you are on a date, but you must not care where it's all going...A date is simply an opportunity to spend time getting to know someone to see if there's a spark. Lack of spark doesn't make you any less beautiful, strong or amazing. Nor does it make them a bad person. It simply means this is not the person for you. Learn what you need to learn from this encounter then let it go.

Your happiness is the most important thing. Period. Every morning when you wake up, know that this day is a precious gift. Choose to make it wonderful. Do the things you love and be so happy doing them that when others look at you, they become happy too. This wonderful life you have created for yourself should not stop every time a potential partner comes into the mix. Live your values. Jump out of the grandstand and onto the field. Play big. Release mediocrity.  Speak your truth. Stay humble; And be kinder than expected to everyone, especially to yourself. 

Always dress modestly. There's nothing wrong with showing a bit of leg but leave as much as possible to the imagination. Dressing immodestly is not unlike rolling around in manure. Yes, you're guaranteed to get attention but it will most likely be from pigs. 

Stop thinking you are invisible. Guys notice you. They notice what you look like, they notice what you wear, they notice when you're laughing, they notice when you care about yourself. They notice when you take the time to look good and love it when you do because they know, you feel better for it too. 

Claiming your irresistibility is the key to fulfilling your potential as a woman and as a human being. It is the secret to making the impact on the world you were meant to make. Embrace your irresistibility and you hold the heart of the world. There is nothing more attractive than a girl who knows she is beautiful, having fun. Be a creature unlike any other. Allow your natural sense of confidence and radiance to permeate every cell of your being. When you do this, you are raising the benchmark for those around you.

When you really want something and you're doing everything you can to make it happen but it's not coming to fruition, the only thing you can do is let go of the result and do the work anyway.  Living for results is sure to disappoint. But if you work towards the goal and let go of the results then you open yourself to new possibilities. This applies to life and to dating. That means you have to get all dressed up and play your A-game, without caring what happens. Nothing is a waste of time when done with the right attitude.

Be yourself, tread your own path and work hard at all that you do. The right people, the ones who really belong in your life will find you. The really clever ones will ask you on a date. While dating someone is great, dating more than one someone is even better. There is no better way to determine how deep your feelings are for someone than by having something to compare it to. This is dating in the classic sense, when frisky business happened after the deal was signed, sealed and delivered. The reason more people don't actively date more than one person is because they get into relationships too quickly and have their third date in the bedroom. Take your time. Dating is the best system of eliminating people that aren't right for you and finding the one that is. Five in Five charity dating is an even better way to do this. Have fun with it. Laugh. Make memories.

Oh beautiful, strong, amazing one, it's all out there waiting for you... shine on!

With love and excitement for all that lies ahead...
from your older and slightly wiser self.

 If you need more advice, just ask some kids... they seem to have it all figured out...

If you have found this advice useful, click here:

If you have not found this advice useful, click here:

I am grateful for all the experiences (in life and dating) that have helped me to uncover this wisdom. Thank you to those who have read my blog, helped find dates, donated and provided dating advice along the way. My Five in Five charity dating experience may be over but I'm taking the lessons with me...

Oh and I guess you want the goss/an update:

  • $325 in the donation kitty - this is $125 over goal!! Thanks peeps! (You can still donate via the link above...c'mon let's hit $400!!) 
  • 6 dates successfully completed for Five in Five
  • 1x second date done
  • 1 more second date scheduled for next week 
  • Another second date in the pipeline (well not really but you know I'm a big believer in the power of goal-setting)
  • My travellator-induced injuries are almost healed thanks to some excruciating physio
  • The organisers of Five in Five contacted me to say they LOVE my blog and want to pull quotes from it for future promotions... yup you could be looking at the future face of charity dating! 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Five in Five Update: Date #6 The Lemon Law

If I had to choose 3 words to describe my experience doing the Five in Five Charity Dating Challenge, they would be:




Courage certainly played a huge part in this challenge. It seems that I was either hoping for some, feeling grateful for having found a little bit of it or appreciating it in my cupid colleagues and daring dates. 

The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. Courage originally meant "to speak one's mind by telling all one's heart." Over time this definition has changed, and today, courage is more synonymous with being heroic. Heroics has it's place (just ask Batman), but I think speaking honestly and openly about who we are, what we're feeling, and about our life experiences and desires is the true meaning of courage. 

I am grateful that each of my five dates, had the courage to share themselves in such a courageous way. This kind of courage has a ripple effect. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little kinder and the world a little braver. And that, can only be a good thing.

As for connection, I refer to Brene Brown's Definition. Brown defines connection as 
... the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.
I am again grateful that I experienced this kind of connection with each of my five dates. But... remember there was a Date #6?

Well sometimes, there's just no connection and instead of feeling seen, heard and valued you sit there feeling judged, insulted and devalued. And for those dates, you need ... THE LEMON LAW!

My brother told me about the Lemon Law after seeing Barney introduce it on How I Met Your Mother. Apparently this is where my *single* brother gets most of his relationship advice. But this one, I have to agree, is a keeper...

Similar in nature to lemon laws for used cars, Barney's Lemon Law for dating entitles a person to call off the date that is going no where (ie. there is no connection) within the first five minutes with no repercussions.

So print of some of these bad boys and keep them in your back pocket... you never know when you'll need to enforce the Lemon Law.

As we can't put a price on these Lemon Law printable cards, the best way to show your appreciation for now having an escape from any future "bad dates" is to donate via the link below...

Monday, 11 March 2013

Five in Five Update: Date #5 ... DONE!

Two major news stories came out of Brisbane at lunch time on Friday...

Story #1: I completed Date #5 of the Five in Five Charity Dating Challenge!!

Story #2: The Queen Street Mall was evacuated as dozens of heavily-armed police took down a shirtless gunman. 

Hard to believe isn't it!? Date #5!!! ... which means... It's all done... or is it?... More on that breaking news headline later...

The week in review:
I have to say, up until this week I had been going great guns with this Five in Five Charity Dating Challenge. But in the last few days, with no 5th Date scheduled by the challenge deadline, I was feeling a little under the gun. Failing the Five in Five challenge had never been an option... I thought I'd dodged a bullet when a friend agreed to be my 'Date #5 backup plan' but he was struck down with a bad case of the man flu. 

When I first told my colleague Gai about this challenge, she went downstairs, all guns blazing, and hit up one of our colleagues for a date. He said no. And that was that. But with only 3 days until the end of the challenge and no Date #5, I decided to bite the bullet and send him an email. Would he stick to his guns?? 

At the 11th hour, he appeared in my office and surrendered. The date was scheduled for later that day.

At 12 noon Date #5 arrived to collect me from my office and we ventured over to our local cafe for a cuppa (well away from the siege in the Mall). We spent the next hour chatting about our roles at work, plans for the weekend, home renovations, holiday destinations, investing, meal planning, tax, dating and future goals. It's amazing how you can work with someone for over a year but not know anything about them. That is, until a charity date forces you to actually get to know each other.

" I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return." (quoted in the Broadway Show Wicked)  

The people I have met through the Five in Five charity dating challenge have been no exception. In fact, I might even go as far as to say that I have learnt as much about myself during these 5 weeks of dating as I have on intensive yoga and self-inquiry retreats in the past. 

In sharing his own goals, Date #5 made me realise that it's time for me to re-visit my vision and goals and start taking some action towards them... NOW! 

When I first signed up for this Five in Five Charity Dating Challenge I was doubtful I could find 5 dates within the 5 weeks. Anyone will tell you there is a man drought in Brisbane! But by being excited about the challenge, putting it out there as a S.M.A.R.T goal and enrolling everyone around me in that goal, I not only reached my goal... I SMASHED IT! 

What's a smart goal you ask? 

S.M.A.R.T goals are:
Attainable (50% of the time... you gotta give yourself a challenge!)

For example:

I will go on five dates with five kind, easy-going, smart and irresistibly good-looking eligible bachelors by Friday 8th March 2013 and raise $200 for charity.

Did I achieve my SMART goal?! YES! 
In fact, I went on 6 dates in 3 weeks and made $325 for charity. That is the power of setting goals...and sticking to them!

Now it's your turn. Grab a pen and write down your answers to these questions:

1. In 30 seconds or less, write down the 3 most important goals in your life right now?
2. What would you do if you won $10 million?
3. What would you do if you had 6 months to live?
4. What one great thing would you dare to do if you knew you could not fail?
5. What is the legacy you wish to leave?

Now that you know what's important to you...
Turn those answers into SMART goals.

E.g. If your answer to Question #3 was: travel to Spain with my family... your goal is:

I take my family to Spain for 2 weeks by December 2015.
Then you get to fill in the steps to get you there. For example:
  • How much money do you need to save each week to get you there?
  • What action do you need to take today to be able to achieve that goal? (e.g. make coffee instead of spending $5 a day to have someone make it for you)
Anyway...I digress... Back to Date #5.

So after having a coffee and almost getting hit (slight exaggeration) by a fresh produce delivery van, Date #5 walked me back to my office. We were greeted by Cupid Gai who took the photo to prove the date happened... 

And here's where we are at:
  • $325 in the donation kitty.  Donate here and get me to $400 so I can go on some 2nd dates!
  • Five Dates in Five Weeks COMPLETE! - Thank you to Date #5 for saving the day

It may be over...

Or maybe, this is just the beginning...?

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Five in Five Update: How far would you go to get out of a date?

Last night I decided to treat myself to Grill'd (again). With only a few days until the end of the Five in Five dating challenge, I thought it would be a really good opportunity to try out my burger shop pick up line. But when I looked around at all the couples and 17 year olds, I decided to tuck that pick up line away for another day.

As I waited for my order I started to contemplate how on earth I was going to get out of doing a dance class with Potential Date #5! Fake a kidnapping?... Break a leg? I came to the conclusion that there was no getting out of it, and the only thing that needed getting out of was my comfort zone.

Aside from humiliating myself on a dance floor, another thing far beyond my comfort zone is approaching someone random for a date. As I left Grill'd, Kung Fu Fighter Burger in hand, and headed out of the rain, towards my car, I noticed a handsome young lad coming my way on the escalator. Was this my moment? How would I get his attention? ...

I put on my confident, 'I can take on the world' look and stepped onto the escalator... and slipped... straight onto my butt. Legs (and burger) in the air. The thud was so loud that everyone came running to my aid. Yes, even above-mentioned handsome young lad. He helped get me up off the escalator before the bottom and carried my now-squashed Kung Fu Fighter burger as I waddled slowly towards my car. With a busted elbow, an aching lower back and a bruised ego, all I could think about was getting home and hiding. He offered to drive me home... I refused. He asked if he could give me his number so I could call him when I got home safely... I refused. Instead, I kindly thanked him for his help, and sent him on his way. 

My immediate thought as I drove off was: 

"Wow! It looks like the universe doesn't want me going dancing after all'. 

That thought was quickly followed by: 

"Why oh WHY didn't I take his number?!? Or at least taken a photo and called that Date #5!?"

Hopefully I left a good enough impression in my clumsy disorientated state that he'll decide to track me down... for a date... before tomorrow. No, this is not far-fetched. All he'd have to do is take the shirt he was wearing to forensics and have them do a DNA test on the blood from my elbow... then he'd know who I was and could send me a Facebook friend request... easy! And totally do-able in 24 hours.

Aside from playing slip and slide on escalators, I have been busy tying up lose ends for the last week of the Five in Five challenge. I wanted to fit in another date before "Potential Date #5' on Saturday in case it didn't count. Here's where we are at:

  • 4 dates done, 1 date to go
  • Email sent to charitable colleague asking for after work date tomorrow night (no response - he's most likely away on a course ... or pretending to be)
  • Lined up a friend to be Plan B Date #5 in event of 'no response' from above colleague
  • Plan B Date #5 is now bedridden with a bad case of the Man Flu
  • Dancing Date with Date #5 still stands
  • Incident report lodged with centre management - will attempt to get a copy of the video footage for entertainment purposes (and to show Batman that I can do 'stunts' too)
  • Five in Five Challenge (officially) ends in just over 24 hours!!
  • $245 in the donation kitty - thank you!!
  • Several votes have been received for who gets the second date (including self-nominations from the dates themselves!!) - send your nominations in now via Facebook.

With the Five in Five challenge quickly drawing to a close, now is the time to donate!

To those who have read my blog, helped find dates, donated, provided dating advice or picked me up off the escalator when an attempt at getting a date went pear-shaped ... thank you! Your kindness is not wasted!!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Five in Five update: Date #4 Simulation Time

Friday night was Date #4. This was another completely 'blind' date and I think the set-up went something like this...

I told my colleagues that I needed some single eligible bachelors for my Five in Five charity dating challenge. One of those colleagues told her husband. That husband told his colleagues. One of those colleagues told her husband. That husband then told his colleagues. And one of those colleagues said, "That sounds like a job for me".

A few days later I got a call informing me I was being taken on a date... wine and tapas at South Bank with a Simulator Technician.  Again, I had to keep my wits about me. An extra glass of wine and I may have accidentally slipped an extra 't' into his job title, sending out the signal that I was inviting him back for "coffee" and we all know that's not how you do a first date... with a complete stranger... for charity.... yesss CHARITY. Contrary to what my brother may tell you, that is the reason behind all of this 'frivolous dating' (as he calls it)...

The Five in Five dating challenge ends this Friday 8th March, and together the participants have raised a whopping $47, 141 for local charities that work to break the cycle of social disadvantage. $245 of that has come from my team of brilliant colleagues, friends and family. If you haven't already donated and want to, you can do so until Friday via my Sponsorship Page. Donations are tax deductible and can even be anonymous if you so wish.

It turned out that Date #4 had spent the day at a charity golf day on the Gold Coast, making me his second charity case for the day. We shared stories about the different things we have done for charity. One year, Date #4 was involved in a competition involving the Bridge to Brisbane fun run. The sick kids who he was raising funds for got to choose what outfit he would wear for the 10km run. Even as a pink fairy in a tutu and glittery wings, he completed the race in good time. That was possibly the same year I was on the sideline, cheering on the competitors to keep them motivated and inspired...

It got me thinking about just how far out of my comfort zone I'd go to support a good cause...

And then came the call from potential Date #5...

I call him 'Potential Date #5' only because our schedules don't allow us to meet before the challenge ends on Friday. So I've said yes to the date BUT really do need to get another one in before Friday. Anyway... this guy is my boss's massage therapist. He said he wanted to go on a fun date, something I hadn't done before (I could feel my comfort zone shrinking...). Then he said it, "let's go dancing...". What I heard was ...

My brother is familiar with the Brisbane salsa dancing scene so I asked him if he knew this guy and yes he does. Not only does this guy know how to dance... he's Australian Salsa Solo Champion.... So now, it'll just be ME humiliating MYSELF on the dance floor... ahhh the things you do for charity :)

Here is the photographic evidence of Date #4. He decided to leave his pink tutu at home for this charity event.

There are so many people doing great things to help others. Two of my friends deserve a special mention here.... 

Cheryl: I met Cheryl when I was teaching English in Japan. She is currently working on a volunteer project created after the 2011 earthquake in Japan. It's called Peace by Piece and is all about building community through art.

Zac: Zac is a fellow yogi and he's about to take his yoga off the mat and onto the saddle. He's participating in the epic Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer. Check out his page for all the details.

If you think helping others is sexy, click here . The more times you click and donate, the sexier you become. You should try it!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Five in Five Update: Date #2 'Bring your A-game'

On Thursday night, I headed to Victoria Park Golf Course for a game of Putt Putt with Date #2 (which was actually Date #3). 

To set the scene... Date #2 had previously worked in my office and left before I started working there. Within a week of finding out I was single, my colleagues were on a mission to set us up. They were convinced we'd make the perfect couple and, despite us having never met, had pretty much planned our wedding and named our first born child...eeeeek! One day he stopped by for a visit and I could see why my colleagues had rated him so highly... he was obviously quite the catch.

Fast forward a few months and here I am in the office, telling the girls I've signed up to do Five in Five - Five dates in five weeks with five different peo... I hadn't even finished explaining it and my colleague Gai had already emailed Date #2 the details. He was in. 

We exchanged a few text messages and the date was set - Putt Putt if the weather was fine, bowling and a burger if it was raining.

Now you already know from my previous post that my father is a big fan of this guy. Date #2 is a bus driver and stunt man, and after my dad's recent 'stunt' falling down an escalator backwards at Central Station, he thought they'd be kindred spirits. My best friend is pretty keen for her 'almost born' son to have an Uncle Batman and my colleagues 'just want us both to be happy'.

With pressure coming at me from all angles I knew I had to bring my A-game (pun intended)... 

Those who know me well, know I have a pretty witty sense of humour and a love of language. One of my 'things' is that I often interpret what people say literally and end up in a fit of giggles. And when you're going to play putt putt with a very handsome bus-driving stunt man, there are many things that could be said and taken out of context. We created a 'whatever you say Kirsty, don't say this' list, which included:

"Do you have a favourite route?" (bus driver)

And due to my readership (hi Mum and Dad) I'll stop that list right there.

So with a long list of what not to say and a whole lot of external expectations on my mind, I was paralysed and  didn't play my A-game (in Putt Putt or dating) but I did have a lot of fun... and who knows, maybe I'll get a second go... 

If you think Date #2 should give me a second chance to drop the expectations and play my dating A-game, donate here ...

p.s. As we putted our way around the course, we chatted a bit about dating and how to pick up. We have both had the experience of a random pick up - him on the bus, and me at the shopping centre. We both gave credit where credit was due and followed through with a date. There's something to be said for having the guts to pick up. 

Here's a little diagram to show just how simple it is...

And now for the PROGRESS CHECK:
  • 4 dates done, 1 to go (Date #4 blog coming soon)
  • Date #5 scheduled for next Saturday - this one is completely out of my comfort zone... watch this space
  • Financial goal reached - currently $245 in the donation kitty! Donations close on Friday so hop to it!

Blogger's Block...

I've had 'blogger's block'...for 3 days now. I tried to tell myself that it didn't matter what I wrote, as long as I wrote something. I then justified that by saying that no one reads this dating nonsense anyway. I checked the stats to back this up....
  • 83 people checked out Date #3s shirt on the blog; and
  • 90 people read about the crazy lady (me) going for her first Five in Five date.
  • All of my dates thus far have mentioned that they read it. 

So now the pressure is on to do Date #2 and Date #4 equal justice. Wish me luck...