Last night I decided to
treat myself to Grill'd (again). With only a few days until the end of
the Five in Five dating
challenge, I thought it would be a really good opportunity to try out
my burger shop pick up line. But when I looked around at all
the couples and 17 year olds, I decided to tuck that pick up line away for
another day.
As I waited for my order I
started to contemplate how on earth I was going to get out of doing a dance
class with Potential Date #5! Fake a kidnapping?... Break a leg? I came to the
conclusion that there was no getting out of it, and the only thing that needed
getting out of was my comfort zone.
Aside from humiliating
myself on a dance floor, another thing far beyond my comfort zone is
approaching someone random for a date. As I left Grill'd, Kung Fu Fighter
Burger in hand, and headed out of the rain, towards my car, I noticed a
handsome young lad coming my way on the escalator. Was this my moment? How
would I get his attention? ...
I put on my confident, 'I
can take on the world' look and stepped onto the escalator... and slipped...
straight onto my butt. Legs (and burger) in the air. The thud was so loud that
everyone came running to my aid. Yes, even above-mentioned handsome young lad.
He helped get me up off the escalator before the bottom and carried my
now-squashed Kung Fu Fighter burger as I waddled slowly towards my car. With a busted
elbow, an aching lower back and a bruised ego, all I could think about was
getting home and hiding. He offered to drive me home... I refused. He asked if
he could give me his number so I could call him when I got home safely... I
refused. Instead, I kindly thanked him for his help, and sent him on his
"Wow! It looks like
the universe doesn't want me going dancing after all'.
That thought was quickly
followed by:
"Why oh WHY didn't I
take his number?!? Or at least taken a photo and called that Date #5!?"
Hopefully I left a good
enough impression in my clumsy disorientated state that he'll decide to track
me down... for a date... before tomorrow. No, this is not far-fetched. All he'd
have to do is take the shirt he was wearing to forensics and have them do a DNA
test on the blood from my elbow... then he'd know who I was and could send me a
Facebook friend request... easy! And totally do-able in 24 hours.
Aside from playing slip
and slide on escalators, I have been busy tying up lose ends for the last week
of the Five in Five challenge. I wanted to fit in another date before
"Potential Date #5' on Saturday in case it didn't count. Here's where we
are at:
- 4 dates done, 1 date to go
- Email sent to charitable colleague asking for after work date tomorrow night (no response - he's most likely away on a course ... or pretending to be)
- Lined up a friend to be Plan B Date #5 in event of 'no response' from above colleague
- Plan B Date #5 is now bedridden with a bad case of the Man Flu
- Dancing Date with Date #5 still stands
- Incident report lodged with centre management - will attempt to get a copy of the video footage for entertainment purposes (and to show Batman that I can do 'stunts' too)
- Five in Five Challenge (officially) ends in just over 24 hours!!
- $245 in the donation kitty - thank you!!
- Several votes have been received for who gets the second date (including self-nominations from the dates themselves!!) - send your nominations in now via Facebook.
With the Five in Five challenge quickly drawing to a close, now is
the time to donate!
To those who have read my blog, helped find dates, donated, provided dating advice or picked me up off the escalator when an attempt at getting a date went pear-shaped ... thank you! Your kindness is not wasted!!
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