Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Five in Five Update: Date #6 The Lemon Law

If I had to choose 3 words to describe my experience doing the Five in Five Charity Dating Challenge, they would be:




Courage certainly played a huge part in this challenge. It seems that I was either hoping for some, feeling grateful for having found a little bit of it or appreciating it in my cupid colleagues and daring dates. 

The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. Courage originally meant "to speak one's mind by telling all one's heart." Over time this definition has changed, and today, courage is more synonymous with being heroic. Heroics has it's place (just ask Batman), but I think speaking honestly and openly about who we are, what we're feeling, and about our life experiences and desires is the true meaning of courage. 

I am grateful that each of my five dates, had the courage to share themselves in such a courageous way. This kind of courage has a ripple effect. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little kinder and the world a little braver. And that, can only be a good thing.

As for connection, I refer to Brene Brown's Definition. Brown defines connection as 
... the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.
I am again grateful that I experienced this kind of connection with each of my five dates. But... remember there was a Date #6?

Well sometimes, there's just no connection and instead of feeling seen, heard and valued you sit there feeling judged, insulted and devalued. And for those dates, you need ... THE LEMON LAW!

My brother told me about the Lemon Law after seeing Barney introduce it on How I Met Your Mother. Apparently this is where my *single* brother gets most of his relationship advice. But this one, I have to agree, is a keeper...

Similar in nature to lemon laws for used cars, Barney's Lemon Law for dating entitles a person to call off the date that is going no where (ie. there is no connection) within the first five minutes with no repercussions.

So print of some of these bad boys and keep them in your back pocket... you never know when you'll need to enforce the Lemon Law.

As we can't put a price on these Lemon Law printable cards, the best way to show your appreciation for now having an escape from any future "bad dates" is to donate via the link below...


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